Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Pre-wedding Pictorial

It is a tradition here in Taiwan to take pre-wedding pictures, its like engagement photos in America. Here are some of the pictures (JM's personal favorites) and if you want to see more you can check our facebook profile. If you're planning to get married in Taiwan you should go to Asia Pacific Exquisite Wedding. You can also visit their website www.apiwi.com. They have a very good customer service.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Ever Ever After

Hi this is JM, Scott's wife. Wow I'm still getting used to it. Okay first of I didn't even know that Scott has a blog. He actually forgot he had one. Anyway, I'll try to keep this updated because my husband is too busy playing video games :P I'll start with posting pictures..hope it'll tell you a thousand words. Oh and just to let you know Scott lied, his favorite song is "Love in the club" :D

Scott and I got married on the 25th of April 2009 at the Taipei Taiwan Temple. FYI1: Scott is half chinese, he was born in Taiwan, but that has nothing to do why we chose to get married here. April 25th is also my favorite brother's birthday, Julius. It's also my 2 year mark being home from my mission, and a year after Scott proposed to me. FYI2: Scott asked me to marry him after 2 weeks of dating. Now you might ask how and why? I'll let him do the talking 'cos his version is way more convincing and interesting :)

PS: Our wedding song was "Ever ever after", one of the soundtrack songs of our favorite movie "Enchanted".

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I'm not going to lie but leaving luau in 2 days will be a great burden taken off of me. I've been wanting a break. It has been great but time to take a break.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My favorite song

Favorite Song

Surprise party!

Surprise party for JM and I. It was very fun and I loved it.

First blog post ever!

I'm in class and we are learning how to blog. Don't really know what to say other than GO TAR HEELS! THEY ARE GOING TO WIN!