Wednesday, August 29, 2012

All about Zoey

It's almost the end of the month so I decided to write a little bit about Zoey and things I've learned about her.  I feel more confident now taking care of her.  I know her better so I don't have to guess what is wrong every time she cries.   We're more fixed on her schedule too so I'm able to spare some time for myself.  She takes 2-3 short naps and 1 long nap (2-3 hrs) everyday.    She eats 7-8 times a day and I change her diaper 5-7 times.  She's the happiest in the morning right after she wakes up and after her bath (not during).  I made a list of the things she loves and things she does not particularly like.

Zoey loves ...
- diaper change
- chilling on her bouncer watching mommy cook dinner and fold clothes
- leg massage
- sucking her thumb (binky got fired)
- watching TV (usually CSI or Criminal Minds)
- being told that she's pretty
- tickles from daddy (she has a crush on her baba)
- the ceiling fan, vent and fridge (she smiles at them just like the way I smile at Scott)

Zoey hates ...
- tummy time
- dressing up
- headbands (daddy hates it too when I make Zoey wear them)

Zoey has a love/hate relationship with ...
- eating (we can never find the perfect bottle nipples for her.  I already tossed away 6)
- bath time (the longest she stays in her tub is 5 minutes)
- book reading (it could be the brown bear)
- shopping
- watching daddy play xbox


Friday, August 10, 2012

3 months

Yep! Zoey turned 3 months.  She now weighs 10 lbs 12 oz and 22 in long.  Zantac didn't really work for her acid reflux so we decided to turn to the chiropractor for help.  Getting adjusted is now a family affair.  Our doctor treats Zoey for free since Scott and I see her already.  We love going to the chiro!  Zoey and I sleep better after a session and its something I really need since I carry Zoey the whole day. Here are some of the latest pics.