Friday, August 10, 2012

3 months

Yep! Zoey turned 3 months.  She now weighs 10 lbs 12 oz and 22 in long.  Zantac didn't really work for her acid reflux so we decided to turn to the chiropractor for help.  Getting adjusted is now a family affair.  Our doctor treats Zoey for free since Scott and I see her already.  We love going to the chiro!  Zoey and I sleep better after a session and its something I really need since I carry Zoey the whole day. Here are some of the latest pics.


  1. Wow, I didnt know chiros worked on infants?? Crazy! I've only been once, they kinda freak me out. She's such a cutie!

  2. She's so adorable...I love that shot of her and Scott (minus the mean dad stare...hahah, just kidding Scott!) Hope you 3 are doing well. P.S. I miss your youtube videos JM!

  3. Chiros are very gentle on babies. They actually recommend parents to take their infants to get adjusted because when they come out of the canal during the birth process head gets deformed (can't think of any other word) in some way. So Jaimie when you and wolfgang decide to have some bebes you know what to do! :D

    Oh Larie! Those youtube videos are way in the past. Gone and forgotten. Let's not remember it but I did get at least $1,000 worth of beauty products from sponsors. :D
    We miss you too!
