Saturday, September 29, 2012

Zoey has discovered her toes

I can't believe it's been more than 4 months since I gave birth to Zoey.  Although days go by fast I still can't wait until my little Zoey bear is no longer so little.  I watch her discover new things each day and it fascinates me how babies grow and learn on their own.  I can't help but wonder what she's going to be like  a year or two from now.  I see myself in her quite a lot - the way she yawns, the way she stretches her arms out after a good nap but mostly because of how impatient she is.  I also find myself staring at her amazed at the similarity of her features to Scott Wei.  She is perfect.  They both are.

Raising a baby is not always easy and I'm sure all mothers would agree.  Feeding her gets me frustrated some times especially now that we started on solids.  It takes a lot of patience and bibs.  So far she's only had rice cereal and carrots.  Next week I plan on giving her apples and bananas.  She's still a little indifferent towards solids but she seems interested since it's something new to her.  She likes putting her fingers in her mouth when she eats and then tries to shove her hand in my mouth afterwards.  Carrots does not taste bad after all.

She came out with a lot of hair and then it stopped growing.  She's been shedding a lot and now she's a bald baby.  One time we went to the chiro and one of the patients referred to her as a "HE".  I was like really?  With all the pink she's wearing?!!  Good thing she has like a gazillion headbands.  Let me tell you it helps.

Well it's time for me to put her to sleep.  Night night world!

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