Friday, April 27, 2012

Moving While Pregnant

Packing isn't so much fun especially if I have to throw away half of my magazine collection. If only I was in Hawaii, I could just give 'em away to friends and neighbors.
Yesterday was my 36th week-mark. I am 1 1/2 dilated, not that it means anything. When I got home from my doctor's appointment I noticed I was bleeding and instead of freaking out I just took a 2-hour nap. It turned out I just lost my mucous plug. I have to get another ultrasound tomorrow just to make sure baby didn't fall back to 10th percentile. I started doing a non-stress test 2 weeks ago and will be doing it every week now until I give birth. Can't wait 'til the baby comes out! Scott and I celebrated our 3rd year anniversary 2 days ago. Like any usual day, he went to work, I slept in and endured another day of being pregnant. I am not very good with words nor affectionate in any way but I am grateful I married a wonderful man. He is going to be a great baba!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

3D ultrasound

I had to go get another ultrasound at 34 weeks because my doctor was worried that my uterus stopped growing at 28 weeks. We saw our little lumpia again and this time it was a lot clearer. We saw her reaching for her toes. She's perfectly safe and healthy in my buddha belly and just chillin' there kicking and punching me non-stop. Oh I'm sure she loves me. She's in the 13th percentile right now and there's a big chance we might go back for another ultrasound before she comes out. The ultrasound technician said she might weigh 6lbs at full-term which is good because it'll be easier for me to push her out. My uterus is growing just fine I'm just a tiny person that's all.

She has my nose.