Monday, December 24, 2012

Friday, October 19, 2012

Oh the funny things you do

The sassiness.   We must be related or something.  From the words of Honey Boo Boo you are officially sassified!

                                                                             The faces you make.

   When you want you want to stay up late, well you stay up late... and we do too.

You're creative way of telling mommy you hate headbands.

  And the never-ending coolness you have.  You don't even have to try.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Breaking Amish

Yeah that show that just came out on TLC.  It just so happened that my favorite channel is TLC so I've seen it from when it first aired up until the most recent episode.

At first I was surprised of the kind of lifestyle they have.  I've never known anything about Amish until Scott told me about it.  Believe it or not I was actually excited when the second episode came out.  I was excited for them to discover things they never had or never even knew existed.  Then a few episodes later I was getting annoyed at their behavior and was beginning to realize that they are just a bunch of selfish people.  I don't want to judge them since I don't know what it's like to be in their shoes but whatever.  Since Scott told me that this show is staged I'll just go ahead and judge them.  They like to rationalize and they don't really see the beauty outside their world.  What they should have taken advantage of is gaining an education since that's something that they were deprived of.  In their own Amish community, they have religion, family, shelter, food and jobs so in all honesty they have better lives than most kids out there.  I hope they realize that being "English" doesn't mean you can drink, get a tattoo, be immodest and go to strip clubs.  So I'm done watching this show.

But I do like "Honey Boo Boo".

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Zoey has discovered her toes

I can't believe it's been more than 4 months since I gave birth to Zoey.  Although days go by fast I still can't wait until my little Zoey bear is no longer so little.  I watch her discover new things each day and it fascinates me how babies grow and learn on their own.  I can't help but wonder what she's going to be like  a year or two from now.  I see myself in her quite a lot - the way she yawns, the way she stretches her arms out after a good nap but mostly because of how impatient she is.  I also find myself staring at her amazed at the similarity of her features to Scott Wei.  She is perfect.  They both are.

Raising a baby is not always easy and I'm sure all mothers would agree.  Feeding her gets me frustrated some times especially now that we started on solids.  It takes a lot of patience and bibs.  So far she's only had rice cereal and carrots.  Next week I plan on giving her apples and bananas.  She's still a little indifferent towards solids but she seems interested since it's something new to her.  She likes putting her fingers in her mouth when she eats and then tries to shove her hand in my mouth afterwards.  Carrots does not taste bad after all.

She came out with a lot of hair and then it stopped growing.  She's been shedding a lot and now she's a bald baby.  One time we went to the chiro and one of the patients referred to her as a "HE".  I was like really?  With all the pink she's wearing?!!  Good thing she has like a gazillion headbands.  Let me tell you it helps.

Well it's time for me to put her to sleep.  Night night world!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Mommy and Daddy like to sleep.  Zoey?  Not so much.  

Zoey at 11:40 PM.  Still wide awake, squirming and screaming with her high-pitched voice.  We love you Zoey bear!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

All about Zoey

It's almost the end of the month so I decided to write a little bit about Zoey and things I've learned about her.  I feel more confident now taking care of her.  I know her better so I don't have to guess what is wrong every time she cries.   We're more fixed on her schedule too so I'm able to spare some time for myself.  She takes 2-3 short naps and 1 long nap (2-3 hrs) everyday.    She eats 7-8 times a day and I change her diaper 5-7 times.  She's the happiest in the morning right after she wakes up and after her bath (not during).  I made a list of the things she loves and things she does not particularly like.

Zoey loves ...
- diaper change
- chilling on her bouncer watching mommy cook dinner and fold clothes
- leg massage
- sucking her thumb (binky got fired)
- watching TV (usually CSI or Criminal Minds)
- being told that she's pretty
- tickles from daddy (she has a crush on her baba)
- the ceiling fan, vent and fridge (she smiles at them just like the way I smile at Scott)

Zoey hates ...
- tummy time
- dressing up
- headbands (daddy hates it too when I make Zoey wear them)

Zoey has a love/hate relationship with ...
- eating (we can never find the perfect bottle nipples for her.  I already tossed away 6)
- bath time (the longest she stays in her tub is 5 minutes)
- book reading (it could be the brown bear)
- shopping
- watching daddy play xbox


Friday, August 10, 2012

3 months

Yep! Zoey turned 3 months.  She now weighs 10 lbs 12 oz and 22 in long.  Zantac didn't really work for her acid reflux so we decided to turn to the chiropractor for help.  Getting adjusted is now a family affair.  Our doctor treats Zoey for free since Scott and I see her already.  We love going to the chiro!  Zoey and I sleep better after a session and its something I really need since I carry Zoey the whole day. Here are some of the latest pics.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Zoey's Crib

Zoey slept in her crib for the first time.  I might have spoiled her a little bit but I like waking up next to her and Scott Wei.  Life couldn't be more perfect.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Life with Zoey

Two days ago Zoey bear turned 2 months. We went to the doctor yesterday and got her shots. My brave little Zoey cried for a few seconds and stopped as soon as I picked her up. She now weighs 9 lbs and 9 oz and 21 ¼ in long. We still can’t figure out why she can’t eat more than 2 oz at a time. It’s not the formula and it’s not the bottle nipple either. We wasted so much formula over the last month trying to figure out her feeding schedule. I’m just grateful that it doesn’t have to come out of our pocket, thanks WIC. Her pedia thinks she has an acid reflux so she decided to give her zantac and we hope it’ll work.

Yesterday was probably the hardest day I’ve ever had with Zoey. I was a little frustrated but knowing that she just had her shots, I had to suck it all up and be a little patient with her. She slept the whole day in my arms. I tried to put her down but she just cried hysterically and it took me longer than usual to console her. The longest she laid still in bed was 5 minutes and boy was I grateful for that. I took that chance and ran to the bathroom, fixed myself and then ate a sandwich. I made sure I let Zoey know that I was thankful she gave me time for myself. I never knew I could do so much in 5 minutes.

I hope today will be a better day for both of us.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Zoey Mei Ault

Born May 8, 2012 at 3:36 PM. 5 lbs 10 ounces and 18.5 in long. 

 3 day-old Zoey just got home from her doctor's appointment. She weighed 5 lbs 6 ounces. She was 5lbs 3 ounces when we left the hospital.

11 day-old Zoey. She is now 5 lbs 13 ounces and 18 3/4 long. She's still tiny but she's growing slow and steady.
                                                      With her Lola (Grandma) Nieves
                                                                      Baby Blessing
At 1 month she weighed 7 lbs 13 ounces and 20.5 inches long. We love her smile. The first time I saw her smile was at the hospital when I gave birth to her. I wish I could have taken a picture of that one.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Baby Shower

Thank you to everyone who came to my baby shower. Thank you to my mother-in-law for preparing the delicious food. I wish I could have taken a picture but I was too busy enjoying the moment.
Scott, Baby Zoey and I are grateful for all the wonderful presents we received. Thank you for the generosity, kindness, friendship and love.
Thank you to Pennie who organized the games, I had so much fun.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Pregnancy Update

Today we found out that I have to deliver my baby earlier than my due date. A little complication here and there but I'm already 37 weeks and 2cm dilated so no worries. I guess all the packing and moving helped a lot. I will be induced Tuesday morning so that means the long wait is over. Hopefully it won't be too long and painful. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Moving While Pregnant

Packing isn't so much fun especially if I have to throw away half of my magazine collection. If only I was in Hawaii, I could just give 'em away to friends and neighbors.
Yesterday was my 36th week-mark. I am 1 1/2 dilated, not that it means anything. When I got home from my doctor's appointment I noticed I was bleeding and instead of freaking out I just took a 2-hour nap. It turned out I just lost my mucous plug. I have to get another ultrasound tomorrow just to make sure baby didn't fall back to 10th percentile. I started doing a non-stress test 2 weeks ago and will be doing it every week now until I give birth. Can't wait 'til the baby comes out! Scott and I celebrated our 3rd year anniversary 2 days ago. Like any usual day, he went to work, I slept in and endured another day of being pregnant. I am not very good with words nor affectionate in any way but I am grateful I married a wonderful man. He is going to be a great baba!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

3D ultrasound

I had to go get another ultrasound at 34 weeks because my doctor was worried that my uterus stopped growing at 28 weeks. We saw our little lumpia again and this time it was a lot clearer. We saw her reaching for her toes. She's perfectly safe and healthy in my buddha belly and just chillin' there kicking and punching me non-stop. Oh I'm sure she loves me. She's in the 13th percentile right now and there's a big chance we might go back for another ultrasound before she comes out. The ultrasound technician said she might weigh 6lbs at full-term which is good because it'll be easier for me to push her out. My uterus is growing just fine I'm just a tiny person that's all.

She has my nose.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

32 weeks and counting

Oy I'm getting close. This pregnancy has been slow, fast, and now back to slow again. And these are the things I went through for the past 32 weeks.

1st trimester - My face was in the toilet most of the time. I hated eating because it made me so sick. From 101 lbs I went down to 95 lbs. For a couple of months mac n cheese and donuts kept me alive. I slept, watched 3-4 episodes of Criminal Minds a day and slept some more. I hated getting up and seeing how tangled my long hair was. It was a disaster combing it every single morning I had to get it chopped off. I hated taking showers, brushing teeth or anything that has to do with keeping myself clean. I hated the smell of the bathroom, the soap, shampoo, lotion, and perfume.

2nd trimester - After getting an ultrasound and seeing my baby waved at us I felt so much better. I was back to my normal life and I realized how much I miss my long hair. I ate like a pig and still couldn't gain any weight. This time I was addicted to hot coco. 2nd trimester went by fast I hardly remember it.

3rd trimester - I'm glad to say that I gained 11 lbs. and hoping that the scale will keep going up. I've been really addicted to ice (cold drinks) lately and sniffing detergent (weird I know). Scott is scared that one day I might actually eat soap. My baby likes to kick my left rib cage thus giving me constant pain. My whole left side starting from my upper back down to my legs is just so sore I can't sleep well at night. My right hand has this tingling feeling almost everyday. All these things make me want to get the baby out already but not just yet.

Was it all worth is? YES! I may not make the best craft or cook the best meal like a good wife should, but I created something precious. This is the best time of my life, next to being married to Scott Wei. And when she comes out it'll be the for real best day of our lives.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Designer Shoe Warehouse

DSW is our newest favorite shoe store. They have a huge variety of high-quality shoes and they are very much affordable. How affordable you might ask? Well...

We paid $4.99 for these 2 pairs. Pink flats (Nine west, orig. $69 ) were $4.99 and light grey flats (Jones New York, orig. $69) were FREE! Plus we got 25 points added to our rewards.

You get points each time you shop at their store and once you reach 1,000 points they send you a $10 coupon/gift certificate. They also give out $10 coupon for new members and another $5 when you go online and claim your membership card. They have sale going on pretty much everyday and discounts start from 40%-80% off (if I remember correctly). So what are you waiting for? Go visit DSW when you get a chance!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Good Deals and Baby Bump

Being married to Scott is awesome! He taught me how to cook, be a good wife and to not pay full-price for things that I want. Here are some of the good deals we've had recently.

72 cents for 2 clippers and a water temperature sensor from (shipment was free)

$6 for 4 pairs of tiny shoes (orig. $39.96) from toysrus store

Since it's getting harder for me to walk for a long period of time, I do most of my baby shopping online. This is me at 26 weeks and 5 days.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Cross Stitching

People always ask me what I do at home when Scott is working. I will tell you but first you have to realize that I've been a stay-at-home wife for about 17 months now so I've pretty much mastered the art of doing nothing. But in all honesty besides from the daily routine of sleeping, eating and watching movies online I also like to cross stitch. And when I get really really bored I clean the house. So for the past year or so here's what I've done with my time.

These projects make me feel like I've actually accomplished something. And now I just added blogging to my to-do-list.

Twirl a tie

I got Scott this tie hanger from ebay for $5.45. It's called twirl a tie and we both love it.

- cheap
- spins around
- fits all closet rails
- holds 20 ties

From this...

... to this.

Ahh so much better to look at. He loves collecting ties and I love organizing his ties. It's a win win situation.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

February Glam Bag

So today I got my February Glam bag in the mail. Here's a picture of the stuff I got. Most of 'em are just sample sizes... Let's just say products from January were a lot better than this month.

What's in the February Glam bag?
- X Out Shine Control (oil-free moisturizer)
- NYX Roll On Shimmer (I have a 30% off voucher. Let me know if you want it.)
- Premier Dead Sea Cinderella Mask
- NuMe Professional Styling Tools and Hair Extensions $100 Gift card

Cheapest product they have is $115 mini iron and shipment depends on where you live. In my case its another $15 so its really not worth it. If you're willing to spend $30 on a mini iron let me know, I'd be happy to share with you my gift certificate.

- Freeman Facial Mask Sachets and
- a pink pouch

My Glam is like birchbox, loose button, glossy box, or glymm. Basically they are make up companies that you can subscribe to and pay about an average of $10 a month. They send you either full-size/sample size products ranging from low to high-end make up.

- full-size products
- high-end make up
- you can cancel subscription anytime

- sample size
- products may not be something you want


Scott came home with this beautiful fruit arrangement. It was the tastiest flowers I've ever had! Right now my buddha belly needs fruits more than red roses.

Friday, February 3, 2012

We're pregnant!

After a year and 7 months of waiting our little angel finally decided it's time to come down to earth. This is her first picture at 17 weeks and 6 days. It melted my heart when she waved at us.

And this is the pregnant momma at 22 weeks and 6 days.

Now you might ask where the pregnant dada is... Well let's just say he's busy making some mula for his little girls.